Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Play

Greetings bladers, welcome back to Beysics. Today I'll be doing an overview of the setup for Beyblade Burst parts as well as going over the current rules for the game. Beyblade's main concepts haven't really changed over the years, but the systems have become very diverse from when it originally started. 

From the Spin Gear to the Synchrome system, the improvement of parts allowed for more dynamic game play and customization to enhance the experience. Within the burst system alone there are fours subsystems that have been released, six if you additionally count Hasbro's systems. Each one adds a little more to the customization aspect with more parts while also improving the quality of the beys by building off of or outclassing previous subsystems. The Burst System can be broken down into three general parts:

The Layer: This is the main contact point of the bey and where the prongs are inserted. It also determines if your bey will spin to the right (Clockwise), left (Counter-clockwise), or in some occasions, both directions. The underside of the layer has a section in the middle for the driver to attach to, which is then twisted along with the forge disc in order to put the beyblade together. While Hasbro has made their undersides smooth, Takara Tomy layers have protrusions or "teeth" that contribute to how tightly the bey comes together when assembled, and layers can have different types of teeth depending on your preferences.

The Forge Disc: This is the main metal component of a beyblade that adds weight and directs how the weight is distributed as the top spins. Disc Frames (Plastic circular accessories for the Forge Discs) can also be added for various purposes.

The Driver: This is the performance tip of a beyblade that will control how it moves in the stadium, as well as influence how long the bey can spin for. the top of the driver has a spring that presses through the disc and locks into the layer, and for Takara Tomy some of these springs are red, which indicates a Dash (') version that uses a stronger spring to increase tightness.

As the game has developed over time, more features have been implemented to improve performance and quality of the beys, such as adding more metal for weight and satisfying contact or expanding the layer into different parts so that there is more room for customization. Once you have assembled a bey that suits you, it's time to prep for battle!

The rules of the game are still simple, so those who have played with older generations should find it a bit easier to get into.

Once you and your opponent have assembled your beyblade(s), attach them to your launcher. 

First, if your launcher has a separate cord, insert that before attaching the bey so it will remain on the launcher. 

Insert the prongs of the launcher into the slots on the layer of the bey, hooking it to the launcher by twisting the bey until you feel resistance from the launcher (If it's spins clockwise, twist it counterclockwise and vice versa). When doing this try to avoid twisting it to the point where you hear a cranking noise from the launcher, as this means the gears are moving past the point of comfort and can result in the launcher breaking.  

Next, pick a spot over the stadium where you wan to launch, and aim by holding the launcher over the stadium. The closer you are, the easier it is to launch. 

Lastly, countdown before you both launch your beys at the same time into the stadium with:


Now that your beys have been launched, watch the battle until a winner is determined with one of these three win conditions: 

Spin/Survivor Finish: Your opponent's bey has stopped spinning in the stadium before your own.
 (1 Point)

Over/Ring-out Finish: Your opponent's bey is knocked out of the stadium either before your own, or while your own bey remains in the stadium.
(1 Point)

Burst Finish: The lock mechanism of your opponent's bey fully comes undone, causing the bey to "burst" into separate parts.
(2 Points)

Decide how many points you and your opponent will be playing to, or make it a best-of match.

Here's a link to the WBO's Video Guide the Burst System to further help explain, and I also recommend checking out the WBO site for more help:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJpVCEijVhA&t=252s

World Beyblade Organization: https://worldbeyblade.org/
Hopefully this helps as an introduction to the Burst System. Continue to have fun and let it rip!

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